Professional Coach and Consultant

If you’re looking for ways to improve your life, career, make the most of your opportunities or need help with your company's processes and procedures, I can help. Smart Process Solutions offers processes and procedures consulting and a personalized coaching service to help you get back on track and stay on track. 

Get inspired to maximize your personal and professional potential. Discover your strengths and be intentional about your growth. Invest in yourself and your team. 

Are you ready to be more intentional, aware and more focused on your goals?

I offer one-to-one coaching sessions, consulting visits and workshops. We can do this in person, on Zoom or over the phone. It is a win-win! 

Contact me for additional information. 

Contact Me

Office location

Herriman, Utah

Give us a call

(801) 699-9458

Send us an email

[email protected]
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